Friday, September 18, 2015

Some Sports Fans Have No Soul

Just some quick thoughts from last night's game-

I watched the Denver and Chiefs game last night but had to turn it off during the first half. There are some very cruel sports writers and fans out there.

Peyton Manning is not 26 anymore. His age does not take away the man or the player he is.  He is still one of the greatest to have ever played.

 I understand he's not the player he once was but he's still a good player, doing what he can to help his team win. For him to be so completely disrespected by the media and twitter trolls pisses me off. You don't disrespect someone with the heart and passion he has. You don't disrespect what they brought to this game. You don't disrespect him as a human being because you don't like the way he plays.  
You disrespect the people who have turned this game into a joke. I'm looking directly at you Pacman Jones, Roger Goodell, Mike Kensil, 49er fans, Colts front office and dozens more. You know who you are. 
Where I come from, you don't hate people for just being. You hate them because they did something to you, hurt you in some way. You don't hate them for using their God given talents to entertain us on Sunday's.  <----This goes for Tom Brady too.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

"If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?" - Chasing Cars

"Yesterday and days before, sun is cold and rain is hard. I know, it's been coming for some time." - Have You Ever Seen the Rain

Sometimes when you can't find the words to say what you need, song lyrics can do
it for you. Today is one of those days that I'll let music talk for me. 

This is still one of my very favorite songs.