I'm not going on and on about this and I'm not posting statistics. We all know what they are. These mass shootings show that we are killing ourselves. That's it. We are allowing ourselves to be killed, one innocent person at a time.
My heart breaks for all of the innocent children at Sandy Hook, the new couples who just wanted to enjoy a movie date at a movie theater, the scared but excited new college kids. These bright futures that were stolen from us could have included a doctor who cured cancer. A paramedic, the next POTUS, the next great American Mom, a teacher who changed the world of a child. It doesn't matter if they were going to be doctors, lawyers, parents, athletes, mentors, humanitarians. It matters that their right to live was decided upon by an insane person with a gun. In most cases, multiple guns.
The NRA has half of the country enraged to the point of violence. They believe "gun control" equals "take away my right to bear arms." IT DOES NOT. They are being deliberately obtuse and that pisses me off.
The point of gun control that I harp on the most, is the accessibility. Gun advocates crowning glory, go to statement "guns don't kill people, people kill people" irks me. We would never have known. <insert sarcasam> Does that mean we make it easy for these people to have those guns? Why is it so hard for the NRA and other gun advocates to understand that passing a bill that makes it hard for someone with a history of mental illness to get their hands on gun, does NOT mean the government is coming into YOUR law abiding home to take away your legally obtained weapons? Unless you have a violent past or history with mental illness.
I won't name him, but the Sandy Hook terrorist is the only example I'll give. He had a history of mental illness. He was sick, disturbed, not trusted and people shied away from him because "he made you feel uncomfortable." He lived with a disturbed reality. That same person was able to get his hands on several guns and murder all of those innocent children because his OWN MOTHER had assault rifles, hunting rifles and other weapons in her home. When even she was afraid of him at times. Should she have been able to purchase these guns, with him in her home? No. Stricter gun laws would have prevented that. Stronger background checks.
Then there are the people who say "criminals don't obey laws, he would have gotten his hands on a gun anyway." That's right. He would have. Does that mean we just lay down, roll over and give up? "Oh he would have found one somewhere, just let him have it." That is complete crap.
As a young male with no ambitions and no money, he would not have been able to get his hands on the thousands of dollars worth of hardware that he used in Sandy Hook. He couldn't have bought the military grade assault rifles, various samurai swords and over 1400 rounds of ammunition found in his home after the killing. There is no way a person who had his history should have been able to live in a home with all of that, kill his own mother and attack a school of innocent children. All because his mother was a "gun enthusiast" who was either too scared of her son or completely blind to the picture he had of himself holding a gun to his head.
We don't want your guns. We want to keep your guns out of the hands of mentally ill people. Domestic terrorists and criminally violent people. That's it. I believe in all of our right to bear arms. I don't think our rights supersedes those of the hundreds of innocent people killed in this country simply for going to school or to work. Simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. For having the audacity to wake up thinking they were going to have a normal day.
Keep your guns. Protect your families. Hunt your wild game. Enjoy your sport. Please do so while keeping that gun out of the hands of a mentally ill person.
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